Wyrmdi ☮︎

★ Artist & animator ★

Hello! My name is Lesley Mateja ☻

I'm a 23 y/o hobby artist from Denmark who enjoys drawing colorful animals! I Mostly focus on my own characters, and I currently don't do commissions.I am often absent from social media for long periods of time as I am battling with staying sane in the modern day world. I’m dedicating the majority of my time right now to get better mentally. I’m autistic with adhd and mental disorders. Please be patient with me if you have messaged me thank you! ❤


☀ If you support pedophilia, homo/transphobia, racism, fascism, capitalism, nazism, zoophilia, proana, edtwt, shtwt, drugtwt, proship, pro-life or extreme far-right politics that go against human rights.☀ You put rules/ideologies from the Abrahamic religions before morality and human rights.☀ You start political discussions, give criticism that is unasked for or have a rude tone on purpose.☀ You’re ableist, mock neurodiversities, believe stigmatization about disabilities or glorify mental illness, serial killers, or school shootings.